Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thanks to my readers!

I'd like to pause to say thanks to all who have entered my recent contests. It does my heart good to know that my reading is reaching people, even one woman who read FAT CAT AT LARGE after a tough surgery. I appreciate all of Fat Cat's fans so much!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fat Cat Spreads Out ARC Giveaway

Guess why I haven't been posting lately? I was busy furiously editing to meet the deadline to turn in my manuscript for Fat Cat #3, as yet unnamed. I’d like to call it FAT CAT UNLEASHED, because Quincy, in the process of being leash trained, gets loose and finds—you guessed it, a dead body. However, there’s no official title yet. Lots of editing left, too!

Meanwhile, a couple of days ago, the ARCs (Advance Reader Copy) arrived for Fat Cat #2—FAT CAT SPREADS OUT! It does have a title and will be released June 2nd.

I have earmarked most of the ARCs to be doled out to reviewers. However, there are still a few left. Below is what the actual cover will look like.

I’d like to give away 2 of the ARCs here. If you’d like one, please leave a comment below. (You may see a post very similar to this one at Kaye George's Travels with Kaye blog.) The giveaway will close at midnight EST on Sunday, the 22nd.

Maybe, with this deadline met, I’ll post more regularly.