Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My First Malice!

Malice Domestic Mystery Convention

This will be my first time to attend Malice Domestic—as Janet Cantrell. I’m very excited to be attending with my Penguin series in full swing. By full swing I mean the first book is out, the second one is all wrapped up and the third is being edited.

I’ve been invited to appear on a panel called The “Paws” that Refresh with 3 other writers who include pets in their mysteries: John Clement, Carole Nelson Douglas, and Linda O. Johnston. We’re finalizing what we’ll be talking about right now. By that I mean we’ve started discussing it. If you’re going, you can catch us at 3 PM on Saturday, May 2nd. The Kentucky Derby starts right after that, so I’ll have to rush to the TV in the bar to catch the race. Last year we all cheered for Palace Malice, of course. There’s no choice that obvious this year, but I might cheer for Freshman Phenom. I’m not a freshman at Malice since I’ve been going for years as Kaye George, but I am a newbie as Janet. Does that count?

Discussions are ensuing here and there about wardrobe, always a concern the week before the conference. As a member of the Guppies, I’m bringing along a boa-type neck garment for the Sisters in Crime Breakfast. We started the tradition of wearing boas there a short time ago, but it seems entrenched already.

I’m also participating in Malice Go Round, which is like speed dating mystery authors two at a time. I hope I have enough bookmarks to hand out!

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