Thursday, April 13, 2017

New Series!!!

I’m very busy right now and can finally officially tell you what I’m doing, even though I leaked a bit of it last month. I’m excited to have a fully signed three-book contract with Kensington/Lyrical Press for a brand new series!

I put some details up yesterday on Travels With Kaye, since I’ll be using that name for these new books.

Here’s the answer to the burning question: Will there be a cat?
Of course! Another cuddly, adorable male cat, a Maine Coon. I’ll be collecting info, anecdotes, and escapades for Hector. If any of you have one, feel free to fill me in on details. I may find a place to use them, you never know!

Meanwhile, I’ll go a bit quiet here until I have more info—cover, pub date. I do know the first one will be published in 2018, and I have the first three titles.

The setting is lovely Fredericksburg, TX, a cute tourist town in the heart of Hill Country, chock full of wineries. My sleuth’s specialty, though, is vintage candy. More details as they develop!

To keep up, you may want to sign up for my newsletter. You can do that by emailing me at either or 

 Maine coon photo from morguefile by katmystiry

Friday, March 24, 2017

Cozy Author MIA

I hope my followers will bear with me.

I realize I haven't posted for a VERY long time. The Fat Cat series is not continuing, as most of my fans know. But there are 2 "howevers". (If you will allow me to use "but" and "however" in the same sentence.)

However, I continue to blog on Killer Characters on the 4th of every month. You can catch some excellent posts there by lots of cozy mystery writers.

However--and this is a good one--a brand new cozy series will begin in 2018 from Kensington's Lyrical Press line. I can't announce all the details yet, but a cat will be involved, a Maine coon named Travis. I'm very excited about this new series! I'm writing it as Kaye George, which is how I have written all of my other published work. This will be the first cozy series for me as KG, though. I hope you'll stick around and check things out occasionally.

In the meantime, feel free to visit my Travels with Kaye blog and to sign up for my newsletter. You can do that by emailing me at either or